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ÓrbitaLIS n.28: Rua de mão dupla

LIVRES HEBDO: Has the image of libraries in the minds of politicians and decision-makers changed?

GLÒRIA PÉREZ-SALMERÓN: I think that their perception of libraries has changed. Just a few years ago, librarians were stuck in their own world, their own jobs, and that goes for IFLA too. We need to change our mindset. Today, professionals have understood that they are actors not just in their own workplace, but in society as a whole, and must respond to its needs. For the first time at IFLA, we stand together around a global project, and when I discuss this with decision-makers, I have the feeling that they are listening.

O documento de 2015, traduzido para português no final de 2017, procura fornecer a clareza necessária para dar suporte a abordagens holísticas que busquem dar conta do grande número de questões relacionadas ao tema, bem como de seus efeitos a curto e longo prazo. Discorre sobre o conceito de “universalidade da Internet”, enquanto marco referencial, e seus princípios. Tem como base uma série de pesquisas e relatórios sobre “Internet and Knowledge Societies”, consulta em escala global com uma modalidade regional piloto realizada na América Latina.

Fonte: UNESCO (20.12.17)

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